Innovating for the future with IoT

British Science Week is a celebration of the best of science, technology, engineering and maths. We love this year’s theme of “Innovating for the future” - and to mark the occasion, we’ve delved into one of our favourite topics in our “Get Creative with Data” syllabus, the Internet of Things, to bring you a lowdown of some of the most innovative IoT inventions.

First things first: what is the Internet of Things and where did it come from?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a huge (and ever-growing) network of devices that are connected to the internet and can gather and share data. Almost any object can be transformed into an IoT device - or “smart product” - if it can be connected to the internet to communicate information or to be controlled. The first smart products were being invented as far back as the 1980s, before the term “Internet of Things” had even been coined. Early examples included a toaster that could be turned on and off via the internet, and a Coca Cola vending machine that local programmers could “dial into” to see if there was a drink available, and whether it was cold, before making the trip. A handy timesaver!

Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the huge growth of wireless networks, we can now turn almost anything into a part of the IoT - from something as small as a contact lens to something as big as an aeroplane. Let’s take a look at some of the most cutting-edge examples which are making the future easier, safer and brighter for us all.

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1. Reducing air pollution

Air pollution has become a hot topic in recent years, and for good reason: in the UK alone, outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 40,000 premature deaths every single year. Luckily, IoT innovators are stepping up to help tackle this problem. To help us get a clearer picture of air pollution, a number of organisations have created low-cost IoT sensors which can measure and transmit air quality data. These have been attached to buildings, bicycles, and even pigeons to generate a highly detailed map of air pollution in different areas. Cities are even looking at how to join up IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) to create smart traffic lights which can collect real-time data on air pollution and change their signals to slow the flow of traffic into high pollution areas.

2. Keeping us healthy

In England, over 2 million people over the age of 75 live alone, with this number set to grow. This can put pressure on health services, with elderly adults living alone more likely to go to A&E, be admitted to hospital as an inpatient, and visit their GP than those living with others. IoT innovations, however, can help older people to retain their independence whilst staying healthy and safe. Wearable IoT fall detectors, for example, contain a variety of sensors which can pick up on unusual activity such as a sudden fall, and notify family members or carers of any incidents via an emergency signal. 

Elsewhere in the world of healthcare, IoT is helping to save even more lives. Scientists tackling the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, for example, developed a wearable sensor which can track a variety of metrics including temperature and heart rate. This data is transmitted via Bluetooth and can be used to limit physical interaction with those who could be infected, limiting the spread of the disease. IoT technology has even been used to invent a bra that could help doctors to diagnose early stage breast cancer, using sensors to detect any changes in the breast tissue and sharing this data securely with healthcare providers.


3. Protecting wildlife

It’s not just humans benefiting from the Internet of Things: this technology has also played a crucial role in saving endangered species. In Spain, the Iberian Lynx has been brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to the use of smart collars and connected drones, which allow scientists to study the animals’ behaviour and monitor their wellbeing from a distance. IoT has also been used to protect endangered Black Rhinos in Tanzania, where conservationists have implanted specially designed trackers into the animals’ horns. These transmit round-the-clock data about the rhinos’ whereabouts, helping park rangers to keep them safe from poachers.

4. Saving energy

We know that saving energy is important for a healthier and happier world - but taking action and breaking away from established habits isn’t always easy. Smart technology, however, is helping to change that. Smart light bulbs, for example, are becoming increasingly popular in the home, with users attracted by time- and effort-saving features such as the ability to set timers and to turn lights on and off remotely from a smartphone. Beyond these simple benefits, though, smart lighting also has the potential to dramatically reduce energy consumption. With the ability to sense the level of natural light in an environment and to dim or switch off accordingly, smart lighting can deliver impressive energy savings of 15-20%. Many smart thermostats, meanwhile, make use of geofencing: tracking when someone enters and leaves their home by picking up on location signals, such as GPS, from their smartphones. Based on this, the device “knows” to lower the temperature whilst the property is empty, saving the user money on their heating bills as well as reducing their carbon footprint.


5. Ensuring clean water supplies

Clean, freely available water is something that many of us take for granted - but across the world, billions of people still lack this basic facility. In fact, worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water. To help tackle this crisis, innovators have developed IoT technology which is helping charities to improve the availability and quality of water in affected regions. By installing low-cost and long-lasting sensors in water pumps, aid charities can remotely monitor the water flow in any location, allowing them to detect any issues earlier and to quickly deploy teams to restore this essential lifeline.


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